Berapa lama lagi rakyat Melayu di Malaysia boleh sabar?
Di manakah Melayu sekarang bila Islam dicaci, Raja dimaki dan dasar-dasar Melayu dibenci?
Bertindaklah bersama-sama!
Nazrin Di Hantar ke Neraka Jahanam?
Oleh Pisau.Net (8 Ogos 2009)
Berikut adalah tulisan dari DAPSY Pemuda DAP yang terang terangan menghina Raja Melayu,anda teliti artikel dan komen yang jelas menghina raja.Bangsat haram jadah ini makin melampau.
The Might Of The Pen August 6, 2009 NAZRIN OF PERAK PREPARES FOR HIS FINAL JOURNEY TO THE GATES OF HELL! Filed under: ARTICLE (LATEST) 06/08/2009, conspiracy, politics — sjsandteam @ 08:47 Tags: NAZRIN OF PERAK PREPARES FOR HIS FINAL JOURNEY TO THE GATES OF HELL!
Kuala Lumpur, Aug 5, 2009: "Democracy does not mean anything goes. It certainly does not

Nazrin who sold the state of Perak to the BN thieves, was
delivering a speech titled "Imbued with Integrity, Endowed
with Ethics: Foundation for Managing Malaysia through
Enlightened Value-Driven Leadership" at the 25th Tunku Abdul Rahman Lecture organised by the Malaysian Institute of Management here.
Nazrin of the stolen state of Perak said: "If we seek to settle disputes through mob rule and lawlessness, our disputes will never be settled." "Precisely because we have so much riding on the judiciary, it is vitally important that there is judicial independence and impartiality. Without them,the rule of law cannot prevail. And when the rule of law has become unhinged, it must be fully restored," said the know-all Nazrin of Perak. He said since the country’s last general election in March last year, political contestation has become more common and more intense, and this is likely to continue for some time to come.
"But whatever our differences, our overriding concern must be to create the type of nation we can all be proud of. We must never turn our grand positive sum nation-building endeavour into a fractious and destructive zero sum one. "We have a good system of governance in place that has served us well and Malaysians should seek to improve on and strengthen this system."Nazrin of Perak said: "Wherever there are weaknesses, we should acknowledge them and strive to overcome them."
He said the Malay rulers are above partisan politics, and this is what a constitutional monarchy

By the time the ruler became involved, it has escalated to such a point that it was not so simple as to press the reset button as some would have liked. "When rights may have been violated and laws infringed, one cannot just conveniently wipe the slate clean and pretend as if nothing had happened. "The ruler cannot take sides in political contests, whether with acts of commission or omission. He has to make decisions based on justice and the rule of law," he said. In making the right decision in any situation and act in a manner that is fair and impartial, the ruler must be guided by the constitution, it encapsulates all the values that form the very foundation of Malaysian society. In the Perak case, the ruler adhered closely to the letter and spirit of the state constitution, he said.
After all, the ruler of Perak "Azlan has considerable knowledge of the law, having spoken and written about it extensively throughout his career (as a judge and Lord President)," he said.
The Mighty Pen says: Nazrin the son of the senile ruler of Perak, take note that democracy is a principle whereby the control of authority comes from the public, and ruler and non-ruler are the same. Even though there is no specific, universally accepted definition of democracy, there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes.
The first principle is that all citizens, not invested with the power to govern, have equal access to power and the second that all citizens enjoy legitimized freedoms and liberties. When these basic freedoms and liberties are robbed of the people, then the only civilized course of action by any responsible citizen who cares about his nation, is to ensure that his voice is heard loud and clear! Get this straight into your ever conniving brain! When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty! If rebellions become the order of the day, the nation is simply ruled by the criminals and the corrupt.
Ask yourself whether you and your family members including your ‘guardian angel’, the Agong Najib, have plundered the nation’s wealth and robbed the poor of a bare minimum standard of living! It is a pity that only in Malaysia,even the right to a peaceful demonstration is robbed of the people! What’s worst, the peaceful demonstrations are converted into lawless mobs by ‘peacekeepers’ who are supposed to protect the peace of this nation.
Nazrin the illegal seller of Perak: Saintly words should never be uttered by a person who has lost all sanity! If you still insist in building an impossible bridge between two mountains, just for that clap of your ‘creativity’, then let us warn you that our actions too will have far reaching consequences; we will destroy those mountains to mere ashes, and stuff your filthy mouth with the last peck of that dust and prepare you for your last journey to the gates of the condemned hell!
Soalnya mengapa DAP ini jadi sangat kurangajar ? Siapa penyebebnya ?
ReplyDeleteSebabnya orang melayu sendiri yang memberi muka kepada mereka. Orang melayu itu terdapat di dalam parti PKR dan PAS . Mereka ini sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP demi untuk mencapai cita-cita politik.
Dan yang sangat penting, ketuanya ialah DSAI - pengkhianat melayu nombor wahid .
Sekiranya dibiarkan ,sudah pasti di masa yang akan datang DAP ini akan jadi lebih berani dan menjadi ala Israel.
Berapa lama orang melayu lain di luar PKR dan PAS ini akan dapat bersabar ? Lambat laun pasti mereka ini akan bertindak . Tentu yang terlibat nanti adalah Melayu dengan Melayu . DAP akan menjadi pemerhati seperti mana demontrasi anti ISA tempuh hari.
DAP telah berjaya memperdayakan kaum Melayu/Islam dari PKR dan PAS termasuk GMI berdemontrasi untuk menghapuskan ISA supaya niatnya untuk memperlekehkan Raja Melayu menjadi mudah serta cita-citanya untuk menghina agama Islam tanpa sekatan. Ternyata Syaitan yang telah didukung dan dipeluk oleh Nik Abdul Aziz dan pengikut-pengikutnya bukan sembarangan. Rasanya kalau dibacakan Ayat Kursi pun tidak terkesan kerana Iblis ni bersembunyi didalam jubah Tok Guru yang telah dikeramatkan. "Bangkitlah wahai umat Islam, bersatulah semuanya menentang kafir yang ternyata telah menyerang agama Islam".
ReplyDeleteAnggun melihat pelbagai isu dan pergolakan telah berlaku sejak pemerintahan pembangkang di kedah, Perak dan Selangor serta Pulau Pinang. Ia merangkumi perubahan yang positif wajar diterima dengan positif. Pembangkang di Selangor semakin menunjukkan biadap, bodoh dan kekuasaan yang berbentuk penghinaan terhadap agama Islam di Selangor dan di Malaysia umumnya. Anggun teringat pada ketika dulu pemimpin MCA Datuk Lee Kim Sai pernah mendakwa orang Melayu bukan penduduk asal, ia dipanggil menghadap oleh sultan Selangor dan diberi kata dia. Ketika itu BN, UMNO kuat, teguh, padu dan utuh. Penulis sedar PAS sekali lagi menjadi kuda tunggangan DAP yang sosialis dana anti monarki. Malangnya Mursidul Am PAS tidak pula bersuara dan menegur.
ReplyDeleteKita mula mengesan kelemahan Kepimpinan Datuk Khalid Ibrahim MB Selangor, kedayusannya dan menidakkan kesucian Islam. Penulis tidak lupa Shah Alam Bandaraya maju maklum dan mempunyai banyak pusat strategik Melayu. Anggun sebenarnya berharap penduduk Shah Alam Melayu, Islam harus insaf dan buka mata dan kesali. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan jika Pakatan Rakyat menguasai Kerajaan Persekutuan kiamatlah pertuanan Melayu, Kesucian Islam dan Sistem Beraja.
DAP dari dulu lagi kita dah tau perangainya...
ReplyDeleteTapi PAS pernah kata...adalah HARAM bila kita bekerjasama dengan UMNO...HALAL YANG MAHA HALAL bekerjasama dengan DAP...kerana DAP adalah Iblis/Syaitan yang boleh "kita" rapatkan dalam saf kita...
Tujuan DAP menjatuhkan orang ISLAM/MELAYU....
PAS telah memudahkan perjuangan DAP apabila menerima lamaran PKR untuk bergabung dalam usaha menjatuhkan UMNO (tetapi hakikatnya ORANG MELAYU yang diporak perandakan - kerana DSAI dan DAP telah berjaya mengaburi mata TOK ALIM ULAM dalam PAS....)tapi andainya TOK NAJIB kata besok bubar PARLIMEN...pastinya PAS menarik diri dari PR..
PAS yang kononnya memperjuangkan ISLAM (tentu sekali MELAYU juga diperjuangkan) hanya menjadi kuda tunggangan (setelah DSAI dan DAP berjaya menjadikan mereka papan anjal dalam lonjakan politik mereka)melalui apa yang kita dengar, lihat dan rasa (terutama kepada rakyat dinegeri-negeri yang diperintah PR)...manifesto mereka pada PRU yang lepas....tak seiring...DSAI yang juga Ketua Umum PKR seolah menjadi "suami" yang "adil" apabila kedua-dua "isterinya" yang tidak seiring membuatkan DSAI "berlebam" mata mencari dan membina strategi bagi mendamaikan "2 Parti yang bermadu" itu, agar impiannya tercapai untuk menjadi PM.
PAS - Parti Angguk Sahaja - akan kekal sedemikian selagi bersama PR.
PKR - Parti Kasi Riot - akan mententeramkan "isterinya" agar hasrat dan impiannya menjadi PM akan tercapai.
DAP - Dah Ada Peluang - akan mengaut apa sahaja yang boleh...
PKR-DAP-PAS (manifesto baru selepas setahun memerintah negeri)
Pabila Kita Raja - Dan Ada Peluang - Pastikan Ambil Semua...