Kerajaan bersetuju menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di Raja.
Keluarga Teoh Beng Hock yang ditemui mati beberapa jam selepas disoal siasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyambut baik keputusan kerajaan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyiasat kes itu.
Mereka berharap siasatan kes kematian Teoh akan dilakukan secara adil.
Pelbagai pihak termasuk keluarga mendiang, pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN), pembangkang dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan menyarankan kerajaan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyiasat kematian Teoh.
Beberapa anggota Kabinet termasuk Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim; Menteri di JPM, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon serta Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat turut menyokong penubuhan suruhanjaya itu.
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini mengumumkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Di Raja dengan terma-terma tertentu untuk mengkaji peraturan soal siasat yang digunapakai oleh SPRM semasa melakukan soal siasat terhadap mendiang Teoh Beng Hock.
Najib juga mengarahkan supaya inkues terhahadap kematian Teoh dimulakan minggu depan untuk menentukan punca sebenar kematian mendiang.
Teoh, 30, ditemui mati di koridor Tingkat 5, Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam, Khamis lalu, yang menempatkan pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Selangor.
Kematiannya mencetuskan pelbagai spekulasi kerana beliau antara saksi penting bagi membantu siasatan SPRM berhubung kes salah guna peruntukan wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat Selangor.
Teoh yang juga Setiausaha Politik Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pembangunan Perumahan dan Penyelesaian Kilang Haram Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, dipanggil ke pejabat SPRM di plaza itu pada jam 5 petang, Rabu lalu dan disoal siasat sehingga jam 3.45 pagi keesokannya, sebelum mayatnya ditemui seorang pencuci pada jam 1.30 petang.
Pada sidang media hari ini, Najib berkata satu inkues yang diketuai oleh majistret juga akan diadakan untuk menentukan punca kematian Teoh.
Akhbar melaporkan hari ini, Mesyuarat Kabinet hari ini dijangka membuat keputusan berhubung saranan pelbagai pihak supaya kerajaan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyiasat punca kematian Setiausaha Politik Exco Selangor, Teoh Beng Hock.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM), Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, berkata jemaah Menteri akan membincangkan secara terperinci cadangan itu yang mendapat perhatian banyak pihak.
"Kabinet akan bincang kes kematian Teoh dan cuba memutuskan langkah terbaik untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai persoalan yang dikemukakan banyak pihak.
"Pada masa sama, kita beri peluang kepada polis menjalankan siasatan terperinci kejadian berkenaan dan semua pihak tidak seharusnya melenting kerana kita tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Apabila Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKj), Tan Boon Wah hari ini memfailkan saman pemula terhadap Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) bagi memohon deklarasi bahawa seorang saksi hanya boleh disoal siasat dalam tempoh waktu pejabat, isu punca sebenar kematian Teoh Beng Hock akan mula terhakis.
Kenapa Teoh dibunuh dan apa ‘rahsia dan bahan bukti’ yang ada pada Teng, cuba ditenggelamkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu.
Perlu diingat bahawa Teoh bukan suspek tetapi adalah saksi utama. Teoh datang dengan sendiri membawa kereta sendiri dan bukan diambil dari rumah atau pejabat.
Mengikut amalan SPRM, mereka akan hantar pulang suspek yang diambil dari rumah atau pejabat. Kemana saja suspek bergerak, termasuk bilik air, depa akan letak pegawai ikut. Oleh sebab Teoh bukan suspek, SPRM tidak perlu meletakkan orang untuk ikut dia. Kematiannya berlaku selepas dia dilepaskan untuk pulang.
Boon Wah, 39, dalam saman pemula itu menamakan Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan iaitu Ketua Suruhanjaya SPRM, Mohammad Hassan Zulkifli selaku Penolong Penguasa SPRM Selangor dan SPRM masing-masing sebagai defendan pertama hingga ketiga.
Plaintif mendakwa sesiapa yang disiasat di bawah Seksyen 30(1)(a) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah 2009 (akta 694) hanya boleh direkodkan pernyataan sebagai saksi dalam waktu pejabat iaitu mulai pukul 8.30 pagi sehingga 5.30 petang setiap hari dan bukannya selepas tempoh yang ditetapkan.
Plaintif sehubungan itu memohon deklarasi bahawa defendan telah bertindak bertentangan dengan proviso di bawah Seskyen 30(3)(a) akta tersebut.
Selain itu, plaintif turut menuntut ganti rugi (termasuk teladan dan teruk) ekoran dakwaan penahanan salah, faedah atas jumlah penghakiman, ganti rugi, kos dan perintah lanjutan serta relif yang difikirkan munasabah oleh mahkamah.
Tidak semena-mena kini SPRM menjadi fokus dan dijadikan ‘badan yang bersalah’ dan dengan sendirinya menenggelamkan isu kematian Teng yang sepatutnya menjadi fokus utama.
Permainan atau sandiwara ini sudah pun bermula semalam apabila tindakan seorang Exco yang tidak bekerjasama dengan polis.
Ini bermakna polis juga aka nada masalah dalam kerja-kerja siasatan mereka dan jelas ada pihak yang berusaha mengelirukan pihak berkuasa.
“Dia minta kita (polis) datang ke pejabatnya pada pukul 3 petang, bila pegawai kita pergi, dia pula tidak berada di pejabat dan hanya muncul pukul 6 petang,” kata Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar hari ini.
Ketua Polis Selangor, itu merujuk kekecewaannya dengan tindakan Exco Selangor, Ean Yong Hian yang gagal hadir memberi keterangan semalam berhubung kematian Teoh - Setiausaha Politiknya.
Ean sepatutnya tampil memberi keterangan semalam tetapi enggan berbuat demikian.
Khalid berkata, keterangan daripada Ean perlu bagi mempercepatkan siasatan polis mengenai kes kematian Teoh.
Exco itu turut enggan membenarkan percakapannya dirakamkan dengan alasan dia dimaklumkan Menteri Besar Selangor bahawa percakapan saksi tidak boleh dirakamkan selepas pukul 6 petang.
Lima ahli keluarga termasuk tunang mendiang Teoh sudah dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kajang, sepatutnya pukul 3 petang ini.
Khalid berkata, sehingga malam tadi, seramai 45 orang telah dipanggil memberi keterangan termasuk Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan.
Sudah pasti polis kecewa dengan tindakan itu dan percayalah ini adalah permulaan kepada sandiwara lebih besar selepas ini.
Bukan sekadar Boon Wah dan Yong Hian, polis juga berdepan dengan kritikan wakil rakyat Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan yang keterangannya direkodkan di bagunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Selangor semalam bagi membantu siasatan kes kematian Teoh.
Manoharan yang ditemani isteri, S.Pushpaneela tiba pada kira-kira pukul 3.15 petang. Polis mengambil kenyataannya sehingga pukul 6.40 petang dan beliau disoal siasat oleh ASP Mohd Amirul Abdullah dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam.
Manoharan kemudian berkata beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan cara polis menjalankan siasatan kes kematian Teoh yang sepatutnya dibuat mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Kesekesaan iaitu membabitkan kes bunuh.
"Saya tidak puas hati degan cara siasatan dijalankan. Saya amat kesal dengan polis kerana siasatan kematian Teoh sepatutnya dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana bunuh dan bukannya kematian mengejut," katanya.
Manoharan mendakwa beliau adalah orang terakhir yang bercakap dengan Teoh ketika dia di pejabat SPRM.
"Saya menerima panggilan (telefon) daripada Teoh pada kirakira pukul 6.15 petang 15 Julai dan segera ke tingkat 14 Plaza Masalam iaitu pejabat SPRM.
"Malangnya, saya tidak dibenar menemani klien saya (Teoh) sebaik tiba di pejabat itu," katanya.
Teoh, 30, ditemui mati pada pukul 1.30 tengah hari Khamis lepas di koridor luar tingkat lima bangunan Plaza Masalam di Shah Alam yang turut menempatkan pejabat SPRM Selangor di Tingkat 14.
Teoh, daripada saksi dalam siasatan SPRM berhubung dakwaan penyalahgunaan peruntukan negeri baru-baru ini.
Kenapa Teoh dibunuh dan apa ‘rahsia dan bahan bukti’ yang ada pada Teng, cuba ditenggelamkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu.
Perlu diingat bahawa Teoh bukan suspek tetapi adalah saksi utama. Teoh datang dengan sendiri membawa kereta sendiri dan bukan diambil dari rumah atau pejabat.
Mengikut amalan SPRM, mereka akan hantar pulang suspek yang diambil dari rumah atau pejabat. Kemana saja suspek bergerak, termasuk bilik air, depa akan letak pegawai ikut. Oleh sebab Teoh bukan suspek, SPRM tidak perlu meletakkan orang untuk ikut dia. Kematiannya berlaku selepas dia dilepaskan untuk pulang.
Boon Wah, 39, dalam saman pemula itu menamakan Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan iaitu Ketua Suruhanjaya SPRM, Mohammad Hassan Zulkifli selaku Penolong Penguasa SPRM Selangor dan SPRM masing-masing sebagai defendan pertama hingga ketiga.
Plaintif mendakwa sesiapa yang disiasat di bawah Seksyen 30(1)(a) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah 2009 (akta 694) hanya boleh direkodkan pernyataan sebagai saksi dalam waktu pejabat iaitu mulai pukul 8.30 pagi sehingga 5.30 petang setiap hari dan bukannya selepas tempoh yang ditetapkan.
Plaintif sehubungan itu memohon deklarasi bahawa defendan telah bertindak bertentangan dengan proviso di bawah Seskyen 30(3)(a) akta tersebut.
Selain itu, plaintif turut menuntut ganti rugi (termasuk teladan dan teruk) ekoran dakwaan penahanan salah, faedah atas jumlah penghakiman, ganti rugi, kos dan perintah lanjutan serta relif yang difikirkan munasabah oleh mahkamah.
Tidak semena-mena kini SPRM menjadi fokus dan dijadikan ‘badan yang bersalah’ dan dengan sendirinya menenggelamkan isu kematian Teng yang sepatutnya menjadi fokus utama.
Permainan atau sandiwara ini sudah pun bermula semalam apabila tindakan seorang Exco yang tidak bekerjasama dengan polis.
Ini bermakna polis juga aka nada masalah dalam kerja-kerja siasatan mereka dan jelas ada pihak yang berusaha mengelirukan pihak berkuasa.
“Dia minta kita (polis) datang ke pejabatnya pada pukul 3 petang, bila pegawai kita pergi, dia pula tidak berada di pejabat dan hanya muncul pukul 6 petang,” kata Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar hari ini.
Ketua Polis Selangor, itu merujuk kekecewaannya dengan tindakan Exco Selangor, Ean Yong Hian yang gagal hadir memberi keterangan semalam berhubung kematian Teoh - Setiausaha Politiknya.
Ean sepatutnya tampil memberi keterangan semalam tetapi enggan berbuat demikian.
Khalid berkata, keterangan daripada Ean perlu bagi mempercepatkan siasatan polis mengenai kes kematian Teoh.
Exco itu turut enggan membenarkan percakapannya dirakamkan dengan alasan dia dimaklumkan Menteri Besar Selangor bahawa percakapan saksi tidak boleh dirakamkan selepas pukul 6 petang.
Lima ahli keluarga termasuk tunang mendiang Teoh sudah dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kajang, sepatutnya pukul 3 petang ini.
Khalid berkata, sehingga malam tadi, seramai 45 orang telah dipanggil memberi keterangan termasuk Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan.
Sudah pasti polis kecewa dengan tindakan itu dan percayalah ini adalah permulaan kepada sandiwara lebih besar selepas ini.
Bukan sekadar Boon Wah dan Yong Hian, polis juga berdepan dengan kritikan wakil rakyat Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan yang keterangannya direkodkan di bagunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Selangor semalam bagi membantu siasatan kes kematian Teoh.
Manoharan yang ditemani isteri, S.Pushpaneela tiba pada kira-kira pukul 3.15 petang. Polis mengambil kenyataannya sehingga pukul 6.40 petang dan beliau disoal siasat oleh ASP Mohd Amirul Abdullah dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam.
Manoharan kemudian berkata beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan cara polis menjalankan siasatan kes kematian Teoh yang sepatutnya dibuat mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Kesekesaan iaitu membabitkan kes bunuh.
"Saya tidak puas hati degan cara siasatan dijalankan. Saya amat kesal dengan polis kerana siasatan kematian Teoh sepatutnya dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana bunuh dan bukannya kematian mengejut," katanya.
Manoharan mendakwa beliau adalah orang terakhir yang bercakap dengan Teoh ketika dia di pejabat SPRM.
"Saya menerima panggilan (telefon) daripada Teoh pada kirakira pukul 6.15 petang 15 Julai dan segera ke tingkat 14 Plaza Masalam iaitu pejabat SPRM.
"Malangnya, saya tidak dibenar menemani klien saya (Teoh) sebaik tiba di pejabat itu," katanya.
Teoh, 30, ditemui mati pada pukul 1.30 tengah hari Khamis lepas di koridor luar tingkat lima bangunan Plaza Masalam di Shah Alam yang turut menempatkan pejabat SPRM Selangor di Tingkat 14.
Teoh, daripada saksi dalam siasatan SPRM berhubung dakwaan penyalahgunaan peruntukan negeri baru-baru ini.
By Friends of Teoh Beng Hock (Unspinners) - (Pisau.Net)
This is a true story. Teoh Beng Hock was getting fed up in his job working for Ean Yong and Ronni Liu. It is an open secret now that Teoh had told his fiancee that he want to quit his job with Ronni Liu and Ean Yong and move back to Melaka. Why? Teoh was known as a bright young man with a good future in politics. And he was given a dream job - working for Ronni Liu and Ean Yong at so early age and a bright start to his career. Why did he become so unhappy so quickly with his job that he wants to resign and move back to Melaka?
The problem started soon after the March 8th election after Ronni Liu was appointed the STATE EXCO MEMBER AS PENGERUSI JAWATANKUASA TETAP KERAJAAN TEMPATAN, KAJIAN DAN PENYELIDIKAN.
Ever since then Ronni has been up to no good. Ronni has been siphoning money out from the rakyat. He has been siphoning out the RM500,000 discretionary fund that is available for each DUN. The wakil rakyat are supposed to spend this RM500,000 discretionary funds at their own discretion to repair the drains, repair roads and the bridges.
As the Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Ronni has the power over all the majlis daerah, majlis perbandaran and pihak berkuasa tempatan inside Selangor. What Ronni and Ean Yong doing was to get their underworld friends to set up dummy companies and bid for 'dummy' projects to siphon out the money.
But Teoh Beng Hock was the wrong guy to do their dirty business. Before working for Ronni and Ean Yong, Teoh Beng Hock worked for Tony Pua the other DAP Member of Parlimen. Remember in March 2009 the DAP accused UMNO Youth of bullying Karpal Singh in his wheelchair in the Parliament. Photographs were showing Karpal Sing "being bullied" by UMNO Youth. Then a few days after that a video appeared which showed the opposite - that the UMNO Youth fellows did not threaten or harm Karpal Singh. They were standing there and were talking in rude way to Karpal. This video was taken by Teoh Beng Hock. This video seriously embarrased the DAP because it shows that the UMNO Youth did not touch Karpal Sing. The DAP was very angry with Teoh Beng Hock for taking this video and giving it to people.
This is the not the first time the DAP was embarrased. Remember a few years ago Theresa Kok 'exposed' a video of a Chinese woman from China being asked to do naked squats in a Police station. Theresa Kok made a big fuss about the video. Then it was exposed that Theresa's claim about Chinese being bullied by Police was false. The girl in the video was a local Malay who was caught for drugs. After that Theresa dropped the issue. The Malay girl was not important to Theresa. She only made an issue when she thought it was a Chinese girl involved. After that Theresa Kok never visited the malay girl or even bother to find out about her - because she is a Malay.
So the DAP is very good at making themsleves stupid. But people always forget. After Teoh Beng Hock exposed the real story about Karpal Sing and his wheelchair, the DAP fired Teoh Beng Hock from working for Tony Pua. Teoh Beng Hock was reassiged to Ronni Liu. Ronni then put Teoh in Sri Kembangan to work for Ean Yong where they can keep an eye on him.
But at that time, after 2008 and in 2009 Ronni and Ean Yong were already siphoning money from the RM500,000 DUN discretionary funds. There were about 250 small projects worth RM50,000 or less which they had used to siphon out the money. These were all false projects or overpriced projects. Dummy companies were set up by Ronni's underworld friends, including bumi companies and also companies registered in China or involving Chinese directors.
The dummy companies then submitted invoices for false projects (which did not exist) or overpriced the projects. If there was any work done, only a small portion of the payments were paid to the project. The rest of the money was siphoned out by Ean Yong and Ronni Liu. Teoh Beng Hock was asked to process the paperwork for his boss Ean Yong. If there were any problems, Ean Yong asked Ronni Liu's help to approve the projects.
For each dummy project, Ean Yong and Ronni Liu took out about RM30,000 or less - small amount. The total number of projects that were dummy is about 250. So Ronni and Ean Yong siphoned out about RM6.0 - RM7.0 million of the rakyat's money from 2008 - 2009. This money was paid into private account controlled by Ean Yong and Ronni. The Police must arrest Ean Yong and Ronni and interrogate them about all these payments and accounts.
Teoh Beng Hock carried all the dummy project details and some of the invoices in his laptop computer which is now with the MACC and now given to the Police Forensics. Before Teoh Beng Hock died, he had agreed to be a witness for the MACC and he also signed a statement which proves the involvement of Ronni Liu and Ean Yong in siphoning rakyat's money from the Selangor State Government. Teoh had also agreed to fetch more documents to prove the connection between Ean Yong, Ronni and the underworld. This is what YB Wee Choo Keong was referring to when he said that there were underworld connections with Pakatan is Selangor.
In the laptop computer there is also a few invoices which Teoh had saved. These are belief to be fake invoice because how can invoices be found inside Teoh's laptop? Not just dummy company, and dummy project but they also manufacture dummy invoice. By 3:45 a.m. Teoh realised that he was in serious trouble. His signed the statement also means that the whole DAP will be exposed as corrupt and fraud. But still Teoh signed the statement with the MACC.
Teoh also received many phone calls when he was driving by himself to the MACC at 5pm the previous day. Police are now trying to find out who are the people who called or sms Teoh. The Police must also check Ronni Liu's handphone and also Ean Yong's. Did both these people call Yeoh and threaten him or frighten him - which caused Teoh to commit suicide?
The evidencs show that Teoh committed suicide. The door to the MACC is a glass door which uses a magnetic swipe card. No one can open the door from inside or outside without swipe card. So no one killed Teoh from outside. The MACC did not kill Teoh because Teoh was their main witness who have signed a statement that Ean Yong and Ronni were already corrupt. Teoh also agreed to bring some more documents as evidencs for MACC. Teoh's statement is also tape recorded and maybe a video record is also available. This is the true story about Teoh Beng Hock, Ean Yong, Ronni Liu and how they siphon money from the rakyat.
They are DAP all corrupt. People must know.
This is a true story. Teoh Beng Hock was getting fed up in his job working for Ean Yong and Ronni Liu. It is an open secret now that Teoh had told his fiancee that he want to quit his job with Ronni Liu and Ean Yong and move back to Melaka. Why? Teoh was known as a bright young man with a good future in politics. And he was given a dream job - working for Ronni Liu and Ean Yong at so early age and a bright start to his career. Why did he become so unhappy so quickly with his job that he wants to resign and move back to Melaka?
The problem started soon after the March 8th election after Ronni Liu was appointed the STATE EXCO MEMBER AS PENGERUSI JAWATANKUASA TETAP KERAJAAN TEMPATAN, KAJIAN DAN PENYELIDIKAN.
Ever since then Ronni has been up to no good. Ronni has been siphoning money out from the rakyat. He has been siphoning out the RM500,000 discretionary fund that is available for each DUN. The wakil rakyat are supposed to spend this RM500,000 discretionary funds at their own discretion to repair the drains, repair roads and the bridges.
As the Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Ronni has the power over all the majlis daerah, majlis perbandaran and pihak berkuasa tempatan inside Selangor. What Ronni and Ean Yong doing was to get their underworld friends to set up dummy companies and bid for 'dummy' projects to siphon out the money.
But Teoh Beng Hock was the wrong guy to do their dirty business. Before working for Ronni and Ean Yong, Teoh Beng Hock worked for Tony Pua the other DAP Member of Parlimen. Remember in March 2009 the DAP accused UMNO Youth of bullying Karpal Singh in his wheelchair in the Parliament. Photographs were showing Karpal Sing "being bullied" by UMNO Youth. Then a few days after that a video appeared which showed the opposite - that the UMNO Youth fellows did not threaten or harm Karpal Singh. They were standing there and were talking in rude way to Karpal. This video was taken by Teoh Beng Hock. This video seriously embarrased the DAP because it shows that the UMNO Youth did not touch Karpal Sing. The DAP was very angry with Teoh Beng Hock for taking this video and giving it to people.
This is the not the first time the DAP was embarrased. Remember a few years ago Theresa Kok 'exposed' a video of a Chinese woman from China being asked to do naked squats in a Police station. Theresa Kok made a big fuss about the video. Then it was exposed that Theresa's claim about Chinese being bullied by Police was false. The girl in the video was a local Malay who was caught for drugs. After that Theresa dropped the issue. The Malay girl was not important to Theresa. She only made an issue when she thought it was a Chinese girl involved. After that Theresa Kok never visited the malay girl or even bother to find out about her - because she is a Malay.
So the DAP is very good at making themsleves stupid. But people always forget. After Teoh Beng Hock exposed the real story about Karpal Sing and his wheelchair, the DAP fired Teoh Beng Hock from working for Tony Pua. Teoh Beng Hock was reassiged to Ronni Liu. Ronni then put Teoh in Sri Kembangan to work for Ean Yong where they can keep an eye on him.
But at that time, after 2008 and in 2009 Ronni and Ean Yong were already siphoning money from the RM500,000 DUN discretionary funds. There were about 250 small projects worth RM50,000 or less which they had used to siphon out the money. These were all false projects or overpriced projects. Dummy companies were set up by Ronni's underworld friends, including bumi companies and also companies registered in China or involving Chinese directors.
The dummy companies then submitted invoices for false projects (which did not exist) or overpriced the projects. If there was any work done, only a small portion of the payments were paid to the project. The rest of the money was siphoned out by Ean Yong and Ronni Liu. Teoh Beng Hock was asked to process the paperwork for his boss Ean Yong. If there were any problems, Ean Yong asked Ronni Liu's help to approve the projects.
For each dummy project, Ean Yong and Ronni Liu took out about RM30,000 or less - small amount. The total number of projects that were dummy is about 250. So Ronni and Ean Yong siphoned out about RM6.0 - RM7.0 million of the rakyat's money from 2008 - 2009. This money was paid into private account controlled by Ean Yong and Ronni. The Police must arrest Ean Yong and Ronni and interrogate them about all these payments and accounts.
Teoh Beng Hock carried all the dummy project details and some of the invoices in his laptop computer which is now with the MACC and now given to the Police Forensics. Before Teoh Beng Hock died, he had agreed to be a witness for the MACC and he also signed a statement which proves the involvement of Ronni Liu and Ean Yong in siphoning rakyat's money from the Selangor State Government. Teoh had also agreed to fetch more documents to prove the connection between Ean Yong, Ronni and the underworld. This is what YB Wee Choo Keong was referring to when he said that there were underworld connections with Pakatan is Selangor.
In the laptop computer there is also a few invoices which Teoh had saved. These are belief to be fake invoice because how can invoices be found inside Teoh's laptop? Not just dummy company, and dummy project but they also manufacture dummy invoice. By 3:45 a.m. Teoh realised that he was in serious trouble. His signed the statement also means that the whole DAP will be exposed as corrupt and fraud. But still Teoh signed the statement with the MACC.
Teoh also received many phone calls when he was driving by himself to the MACC at 5pm the previous day. Police are now trying to find out who are the people who called or sms Teoh. The Police must also check Ronni Liu's handphone and also Ean Yong's. Did both these people call Yeoh and threaten him or frighten him - which caused Teoh to commit suicide?
The evidencs show that Teoh committed suicide. The door to the MACC is a glass door which uses a magnetic swipe card. No one can open the door from inside or outside without swipe card. So no one killed Teoh from outside. The MACC did not kill Teoh because Teoh was their main witness who have signed a statement that Ean Yong and Ronni were already corrupt. Teoh also agreed to bring some more documents as evidencs for MACC. Teoh's statement is also tape recorded and maybe a video record is also available. This is the true story about Teoh Beng Hock, Ean Yong, Ronni Liu and how they siphon money from the rakyat.
They are DAP all corrupt. People must know.